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Archive for the ‘Piezo Applications’ Category

After Manufacturing 1: Connecting to PZT Components

In this months article we will be starting our "After Manufacturing" series of newsletters. These newsletters will focus primarily on "what to do?" with the piezo ceramics starting with this issue, connecting to piezo. Throughout the series we will be continuing with a logical progression or uses and design information

Transmitting Acoustic Signals Through Water: Echo Sounding

There are many industries that need to “see” underwater. For example, companies that rely on sea transportation need to know how deep water is to ensure a ship does not run aground. Fishing operations need to find fish, and researchers hunt for shipwrecks. Not only do they need to have reliable

Ceramic Manufacturing Series – Testing and Packing PZT Ceramics

In this month's article we will be discussing some of the most common electrical and physical properties specified by customers when purchasing PZT ceramics for a specific application, how to test for these often specified properties, and some general equipment choices. Common Properties Generally speaking, when ordering a PZT ceramic for a

Ceramic Manufacturing Series – Poling PZT Ceramics

To understand the poling process, a basic review of the crystal structure is helpful.

Piezo Crystal Structure:

Typical PZT materials exhibit a perovskite structure. One can visualize this structure as a cube with eight large lead (Pb) ions at the corners of the cube. Six oxygen (O) ions are situated one in

Ceramic Manufacturing Series – Electroding PZT Ceramics

This month we will be covering electrodes and electrode firing for PZT ceramics.  We will primarily be discussing fired-on silver electrodes, but will touch on several other techniques commonly used in the industry.

Electrode Considerations:

When determining which electrode system is right for your application it is important to consider the end

Ceramic Manufacturing Series – Machining PZT Ceramics

If you have been following our manufacturing series of articles, then you know we have fired ceramic and are about to discuss shaping and machining. If you haven't been following, you should be!


When determining how to machine a ceramic component, it is important to remember that the finished electrical properties

History of the Development of Ultrasound Technology

The science of sound is an ever-evolving and vast study. It is documented as far back as the sixth century BC when Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras constructed mathematical properties of stringed instruments. Sound waves, whether heard audibly or at such a high frequency that they cannot be heard by

Ultrasonic Transducers Used in Medical Applications

Applications of ultrasonic transducers in the medical industry are widespread and continually advancing. From diagnostic testing that allows parents to see their new baby's heartbeat for the first time to surgical devices that can treat rare cancers, ultrasonic transducers play a key role in healthcare today. A piezoelectric transducer produces