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How To : Solder to Piezo Components

Soldering is widely accepted as one of the most standard methods of making reliable connections to PZT elements.

 It is direct, simple, mechanically sound, and combined with customizable electrode patterns – is applicable to almost any geometry or application. Our below discussion will be focused on

6 Applications of Piezoelectricity in the Military


Piezoelectricity, which refers to the effect in which physical pressure on a crystal or crystalline ceramic surface results in an electric charge and vice-versa, has many exciting applications for military use. The guide below will discuss how the military

A Brief History of Piezoelectricity


Piezoelectric components are integral parts of products ranging from microphones to quartz watches and inkjet printers to tuning forks. They power many of the devices we rely on in our daily lives. But what is piezoelectricity, and how has it developed over the centuries

What Is A Phase Diagram?

Phase Diagram? Morphotropic Phase Boundary? What The Heck Is All That?
Phase Diagram? – Morphotropic Boundary?? What the heck is that?

A good place to start when working with a family of materials is ALWAYS the phase diagram.

What is a

How are Dielectric Constant and Capacitance related?

Dielectric Constant and Capacitance.  One material specific property, and one component specific value.  How are they related?

One of many ways piezo materials are classified is by their relative dielectric constant, or K value.  The relative dielectric constant of a piezo material is a unitless bulk

Contract Assembly, Custom Services from APC International


To help our customers rise above the challenges of working with piezo materials, APC offers a wide range of custom solutions including: device assembly, contract manufacturing, design consulting, and product development support.

Customers currently taking advantage of APC's decades of experience in epoxies, bonding, potting, and

Making Electrical Connections to PZT Components


Good quality electrical connections are absolutely essential to device performance and longevity.  The engineering and technical assembly staff at APC International are experts at terminating connections to PZT and we are willing to share our expertise and accumulated knowledge and experience if necessary so please contact APC International

Piezo Materials and Ultrasound In The Fight Against Coronavirus


As we have discussed many times in the past, piezo ceramics are everywhere.  From your BBQ grill to your smoke detector, your vehicle, and more.  In the following article we present several uses of piezo materials in medical applications critical to the COVID-19 pandemic.  The views discussed below